Character / Spiritual Life
Prayer for our school written by the 1st Grade Class: “Dear Lord, we ask our school would be a place of great discovery, adventure, and creativity. Make it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love. A place where every person is respected and all are treated with kindness.”
Spiritual Growth at Elementary & Middle
The spiritual growth of our children is central to Advent’s vision – a confident Christian ready for the next adventure. This growth comes not just from our religion curriculum, but from our daily actions, words, and thoughts.
- We learn to conduct ourselves with respect in all aspects of life – respect for God, for authority, for peers, for property, and for ourselves.
- We learn to rely on prayer as a tool to face challenges and rejoice in successes.
- We learn of God’s love, hope and grace through scripture and Bible stories.
- We learn to worship and praise in our weekly chapels.
- We learn that we are part of a community of believers and with that comes strength, support and desire to give back.
- We learn that we are blessed and capable to be a blessing to others.
- We learn about our individual passions and gifts, and how to put them to use.
- We learn that we are loved and that we are called to share that love with our community and the world.
All students attend a weekly chapel which is led by students, Pastors, and school staff. Our chapels include worship music, scripture, a message, an opportunity to give and prayer. Several chapels throughout the year have special meaning: our Veteran’s Day chapel to recognize our brave military heroes; our Grandparent’s Day chapel to honor our extended families; and our Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony to celebrate the growth of our littlest Gators – just to name a few.
Parents and families are invited to join us and end their week with the joy of the Lord!

Why we teach our kids to give…..
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16
The acts of giving and service play an important part of Advent’s mission to inspire the minds, grow the hearts, strengthen the bodies, and nurture the souls of God’s children. We strive to instill these life qualities in our students because by teaching our students to give, we are teaching them that there is something more important than themselves. By teaching our students to serve, we are teaching them that there are others in need of their gifts and talents. Our desire is to inspire each student to identify their passions and use them to bless their community and the world.
SWAG – Students Who Are Giving
encourages our students to give weekly and instills the habit of giving consistently. Our chapel donations go to causes important to our church and school. Some of the programs our students have contributed to in the past include:
- Boca Helping Hands, a food distribution center and job training program in our local community
- Family Promise, a homeless ministry to families of Palm Beach County
- Freedom Challenge, a ministry dedicated to ending human trafficking around the world
- Food for the Poor, an agency dedicated to eradicating hunger in 3rd world countries
- Village of Hope, our sister school and community health center in Haiti
- Red Cross Disaster Relief
- Bahama Hurricane Relief – School of All Ages – replaced all the water damaged computers in the school!
Thank you parents for help with contributions to these projects.
8th Grade Graduation Trip to Lutherock North Carolina – May 2024

Schedule your Tour
Brenda Kappes – Elementary & Middle School Admissions Coordinator: 561-395-3631 Option #2