Character / Spiritual Life

Spiritual Growth at Early Childhood
Spiritual growth of our children is central to Advent’s mission. Students are taught through Bible stories, songs and prayers, about sharing their love for Jesus with their family and friends. Our goal is to teach the children how much God loves them.
All students attend weekly chapel (usually Friday mornings), which is led by church and school staff. Parents and family members are invited to participate as their schedules permit, and each year we celebrate grandparents with a special chapel just for them!
To welcome new families to the Early Childhood School, Advent Church presents each new infant and toddler with an age appropriate Bible storybook. Parents are encouraged to talk to our church office about taking steps towards baptizing their child. Throughout the early childhood years, the church and school partner to provide the parents with resources, such as music CD’s and prayer books to teach their children about the love of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
At the Prekindergarten graduation, each student is presented with “The Beginners’ Bible” so that children and parents can continue to read God’s word together and grow in knowledge and understanding of their Heavenly Father.
Why we teach our kids to give…..
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16
The acts of giving and service play an important part of Advent’s mission to inspire the minds, grow the hearts, strengthen the bodies, and nurture the souls of God’s children. We strive to instill these life qualities in our students because by teaching our students to give, we are teaching them that there is something more important than themselves. By teaching our students to serve, we are teaching them that there are others in need of their gifts and talents. Our desire is to inspire each student to identify their passions and use them to bless their community and the world.
SWAG – Students Who Are Giving
encourages our students to give weekly and instills the habit of giving consistently. Our chapel donations go to causes important to our church and school. Some of the programs our students have contributed to in the past include:
- Boca Helping Hands, a food distribution center and job training program in our local community
- Family Promise, a homeless ministry to families of Palm Beach County
- Freedom Challenge, a ministry dedicated to ending human trafficking around the world
- Food for the Poor, an agency dedicated to eradicating hunger in 3rd world countries
Thank you parents for your help with contributions to these projects.
Schedule Your Tour with
Julia Pease – Early Childhood Admissions Coordinator: 561-395-3631 Option #1